Mix Roses Bouquet
Main Flowers: Cappuccino Roses + Pink Roses + White Roses+Myosotis+Small Chrysanthemum+marigold or hydrangea
"A bouquet of love and remembrance, where Cappuccino Roses symbolize warm elegance, Pink Roses express gratitude and admiration, White Roses offer pure love and new beginnings, Myosotis carries memories that never fade, Small Chrysanthemums speak of loyalty and devotion, and Marigolds or Hydrangeas bring joy and grace."
This mix of flowers represents a blend of affection, lasting memories, and heartfelt sentiments.
Flowers Delivery:
All Flowers shows on website are available to Send to China Mainland Main City. If there is remoted Village, Better to Contact Online Service to Confirm First.
Flowers are Made at Local Flowers and Delivery Same Day. We would you like Order in advanced and Select a Schedule Delivery Date and Hours In CART Page.
As to Send To HK or Macau, Please Buy under this List: HongKong Flower Delivery, Macau Flower Delivery
Cake Delivery:
Cakes on Websites are not All available to All cities in China Mainland. Click Top Menu " Cake" ->"Cake Delivery in China"-> Select the City you would like to Delivery to and Buy the Cake Under the Listing.
CNY Gift Delivery:
The CNY gift box takes 1-3 days to deliver . Because it is delivered by express company, the receiving time cannot be specified.